Saturday, December 18, 2010

Travelling to Greece

Santorini locates in the Aegean Sea, which is about 200 kilometers away from the the southeast mainland of Greece. Santorini is in the deepest trench made by world’s two continents. The island was a region where volcanoes were most active 3500 years ago. The volcano crater was surrounded by volcanic rock debris for hundreds of feet, which also caused the destroy of the civilization fo Crete island which is about 70 inches away. The beach in Santorini is not only beautiful, but it’s famous for black gravel. 

Panagia church is located in Alefkantra and it’s the most famous church  on the island. It consists of five small churches. Because the top of the church is closed, and there is a church has a “paraporti” downstairs, the combination of the church is also called “paraporti” church. It’s said that this arched church was designed by a group of unknown cementers. They built the unique church from the ruins for two centuries depending on their adequate experience and imagination.

According to the records of classical authors Herodotus and Aristotle, the owner of Cnossos Palace is the king Minos who was the earliest legislator and navy commander in the world. Cnossos Palace surrounded by tall trees is located in the hill called Kafra in Cnossos. It is a tremendous on the ceiling, which covers 22000 square meters. It has more than 1500 halls and rooms. The central courtyard which is more than 1400 square meters combines the the east palace and west palace as a whole .


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