Sunday, December 19, 2010


Beijing is the capital of China which is a historical city. It was imperial city in Qing dynasty. Lots of cultural relic were stolen and robbed by the Eight-Power Allied Forces. Now Beijing is a developed city which is one of the most famous city in the world.

The first place tourist must to go is the Imperial Palace. It locates at Tian An Men Square. It was the Palace which several ever lived and worked here. In this palace, people will feel amazing not only because the area, but also the historical flavour. Every tourist from abroad wonder how people in the past can build and design this kind of palace.
The second one of course is the Great Wall. The most famous one is Badaling Great Wall. It is a wall to prevent Xiongnu attack our land. From Shanhaiguan to Jiayuguan, there are several thousand kilometers of this kind of wall. It was said that "he who has never been to reach the Great Wall is not a true man" to describe how grand and magnificent.
Yiheyuan is also one of the most beautiful place to have a view. It was a imperial garden which is used to relax for emperor. Thousands kind of flowers are planted here and Chinese traditional buildings are very vivid which attrack people to stay forever.

Tsinghua and Peking University are in Beijing for many years which are the two best universities in China. Every year millions of students try to study in these two universities. When people are young, their parents will tell them to work hard and be admitted by them. Therefore, these two universities are the dream for all of Chinese Students.
As Tian An Men Square is the center of Beijing, and it is the most important place in Beijing because all the political departments are here. It is a chain to connect history and modern society. It is a memorial place for all the people.
Finally, as Beijing is the site of the 29th Olympic Games, people cannot miss it. Bird's Nest and the Wter Cube show the most outstanding build and design technology.

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