Thursday, December 9, 2010


Melbourne is a hostorical city, and it was ever been the capital of Australia. In Melbourne, there are lots of dun places to view.

The first place I recomand is Coops Shot Tower. It locates the center of Melbourne, now it becomes the most favourite shopping center.
File:Melbourne Central Coops Shot Tower.jpg
The second one is the Melbourne Cricket Ground and Docklands Stadium, which is sports center in Melbourne. All the largest sports will be hold in these two sports center.
File:Etihad Stadium crop.jpg
Next one is the Federation Square, it locates the central station, everyday there are shows or some performances. Also nearby the Square, St Paul's Cathedral is easy to see.
File:Federation Square (SBS Building).jpgFile:St pauls, melbourne.jpg

Futhermore, Southern Cross Station is the largest inter-urban station and bus interchange. People can rige a tram to any main area. To take a ride people can go to the largest casino in sourthern hemisphere.

File:Southern Cross Station.jpg
Finally, people can go to the zoo which is near Mebourne University. People have have a good view with thousand kind of animals. If you are lucky, you can take a photo with kora.
                                       Mattioli Bros - Melbourne Zoo 1

Hopefully it is help to you and enjoy your trip in Melbourne.

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