Monday, December 6, 2010

Hi,guys, welcome our travelling world

Hi,guys, welcome to our blog.

In our blog, we'll express the interesting places all around the world.

The first part is for our design. In the whole blog, we use white colour as the background, and colorful footprints on the background, which means we set our footprints all around the world. Since our topic is travelling around the world, these tiny footprints represent our hope for travelling. The left side of screen is about the whole posts or articles we search and summarize, most of them are written by our real experiences. Until the end of week 8, we will introduce the scenery in Austral, France, Greece, Italy, United States and China. We'll keep posting to cover the whole world. The right side is about some tools which helps to search more information about these countries. The fisrst one at the top of right side is About Me, which is about the information of our group. The second one is Search This Blog. Next is Followers which contains other groups in this course. My Blog List shows the blogs we have posted our comments to. Then Some links to interesting blogs are some funny blogs which are not designed by students. Blog Archive is the list of all our posts. Slideshow and Video bar are designed to increase the pleasure of reading our blog.

Hopefully everyone would enjoy our blog, and have a new version to these places.

Enjoy yourself.


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