Friday, December 17, 2010


Harbin is located in the north-east of China which is a historical city. It is near Russia, so there are lots of buildings are likely with Russia. It is famous of ice and snow. Each year millions of tourists will come to enjoy the snow and ice.

The first place i recommand is the International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival. There thousands of sculptures are seen by tourists and most of them are bigger than a house. These sculptures are made by people around the world.

The second one is Saint Sofia Church and Long Tower. Sofia Church is a symbol building of western culture in Harbin. Long Tower is the tallest alloy tower in Asia and the second tallest in the world.

Next is the Sun Island which is full of natural scenery which is a brilliant place to relax and have a party. This is one of the most beautiful place in Harbin.

Finally, it is a village which we call it Snow Village because the snow is the very thick and full of white in the whole village.

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