Sunday, December 19, 2010


Beijing is the capital of China which is a historical city. It was imperial city in Qing dynasty. Lots of cultural relic were stolen and robbed by the Eight-Power Allied Forces. Now Beijing is a developed city which is one of the most famous city in the world.

The first place tourist must to go is the Imperial Palace. It locates at Tian An Men Square. It was the Palace which several ever lived and worked here. In this palace, people will feel amazing not only because the area, but also the historical flavour. Every tourist from abroad wonder how people in the past can build and design this kind of palace.
The second one of course is the Great Wall. The most famous one is Badaling Great Wall. It is a wall to prevent Xiongnu attack our land. From Shanhaiguan to Jiayuguan, there are several thousand kilometers of this kind of wall. It was said that "he who has never been to reach the Great Wall is not a true man" to describe how grand and magnificent.
Yiheyuan is also one of the most beautiful place to have a view. It was a imperial garden which is used to relax for emperor. Thousands kind of flowers are planted here and Chinese traditional buildings are very vivid which attrack people to stay forever.

Tsinghua and Peking University are in Beijing for many years which are the two best universities in China. Every year millions of students try to study in these two universities. When people are young, their parents will tell them to work hard and be admitted by them. Therefore, these two universities are the dream for all of Chinese Students.
As Tian An Men Square is the center of Beijing, and it is the most important place in Beijing because all the political departments are here. It is a chain to connect history and modern society. It is a memorial place for all the people.
Finally, as Beijing is the site of the 29th Olympic Games, people cannot miss it. Bird's Nest and the Wter Cube show the most outstanding build and design technology.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Travelling to Greece

Santorini locates in the Aegean Sea, which is about 200 kilometers away from the the southeast mainland of Greece. Santorini is in the deepest trench made by world’s two continents. The island was a region where volcanoes were most active 3500 years ago. The volcano crater was surrounded by volcanic rock debris for hundreds of feet, which also caused the destroy of the civilization fo Crete island which is about 70 inches away. The beach in Santorini is not only beautiful, but it’s famous for black gravel. 

Panagia church is located in Alefkantra and it’s the most famous church  on the island. It consists of five small churches. Because the top of the church is closed, and there is a church has a “paraporti” downstairs, the combination of the church is also called “paraporti” church. It’s said that this arched church was designed by a group of unknown cementers. They built the unique church from the ruins for two centuries depending on their adequate experience and imagination.

According to the records of classical authors Herodotus and Aristotle, the owner of Cnossos Palace is the king Minos who was the earliest legislator and navy commander in the world. Cnossos Palace surrounded by tall trees is located in the hill called Kafra in Cnossos. It is a tremendous on the ceiling, which covers 22000 square meters. It has more than 1500 halls and rooms. The central courtyard which is more than 1400 square meters combines the the east palace and west palace as a whole .


Friday, December 17, 2010

China---Jiuzhaigou Valley

Jiuzhaigou Valley

Jiuzhaigou Valley is a nature reserve which Located in the north of Sichuan Province. It is part of the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture. It is famous for colourful lakes and many waterfalls. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992. Jiuzhaigou Valley has received a string of other titles including an AAAA Class Scenic Spot in China, a National Geological Park and a Green Globe 21. Jiuzhaigou Valley is also a Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries. If you are lucky, you could see the lovely pandas.
It is a really worthy place to visit, you cannot miss it!


Harbin is located in the north-east of China which is a historical city. It is near Russia, so there are lots of buildings are likely with Russia. It is famous of ice and snow. Each year millions of tourists will come to enjoy the snow and ice.

The first place i recommand is the International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival. There thousands of sculptures are seen by tourists and most of them are bigger than a house. These sculptures are made by people around the world.

The second one is Saint Sofia Church and Long Tower. Sofia Church is a symbol building of western culture in Harbin. Long Tower is the tallest alloy tower in Asia and the second tallest in the world.

Next is the Sun Island which is full of natural scenery which is a brilliant place to relax and have a party. This is one of the most beautiful place in Harbin.

Finally, it is a village which we call it Snow Village because the snow is the very thick and full of white in the whole village.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Los angeles

Los angeles is the second most popular city in the united states.
a shiny city of reinvention where small talk always starts with a question: ‘Where are you from?’ This query reveals what’s driving the city’s energetic buzz – a perpetual in-fl ow of dreamers, go-getters and hustlers primed with unabashed optimism. Where else could an English acrobat named Archibald Leach become debonair Cary Grant? Or an Austrian bodybuilder lift his way from Muscle Beach to the governor’s mansion? Even the water’s from someplace else, imported almost a century ago after DWP chief William Mulholland opened the gates of aqueduct and millions of gallons rushed into the city. His words to the crowd? ‘There it is. Take it.’

Manhattan, NYC, The united states

Manhattan is the oldest, smallest and most densely-populated of the five boroughs of New York city. There are three parts in Manhantta, which are Downdown Manhattan, Middletown Manhattan, and upper Manhattan. in this section i will do with the upper Manhanttan. In the upper Manhattan, trousits can go to the central park to do their favourable thing, and enjoy their time. In the upper east side, the museum of Arts and  some famouse restaurants around.